So my first reaction to breaking my foot is, "man are you serious?! I don't have time for this. What an inconvenience." Already picturing in my head the work that I wouldn't be able to do while I'm laid up... The amount of gas my boyfriend would spend this week because we wouldn't be able to split our 4 weekly 40 minute trips to each others houses. ... How bored I would be because I'm rarely home.
But you know, God really has a sense of humor. Here I am worrying about all the things I can't do while I am limited to a boot with crutches; meanwhile I should be taking this time to regroup and figure out why he has brought me to this trial. All of you that know me know how active I am and how much crutches limit me so surely there is a reason I've been brought to this. I am still praying to see what The Lord has for me in this season, but I'm very glad that blogging seems to be a part of it.
It might sound silly but God really does reveal himself to me through writing. And most of the time it's not until I look back on my posts a minute, day, month or even a year later. So this is what I am going to commit this time to. I am going to use it to retune my ears to hear that still small voice speaking to me. Maybe there were warning signs that I needed to slow down my life before this but in my rush to fit everything in I missed it. Nevertheless here I am now.