"Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body."
-1 Corinthians 6:18 ESV
It's not and easy thing to talk about...
It may be an even harder thing to walk out...
Especially in an age where everything is so sexualized and a woman's self worth is commonly based on how many men she can catch. Yet it seems to be a fine line - according to worldly men, how many men is acceptable for a woman to have slept with before it becomes a deal breaker?
The correct answer should be 1. All it takes is one time to desensitize to the potency of saving sex for your husband. Too many times have I seen my own friends who have been raised in the ways of The Lord give it up before they are married and almost every time she feels like crap about herself afterward.
God doesn't care if you've just been on the first date or if you've been dating for years. The act is still the same. It doesn't glorify God, nor is it a testimony of trusting Him in your relationship. Saving sex is hard... And my parents were right, as you find the one that you are going to marry and realize it, it's even harder to wait.
When we choose as couples to give the struggle of sex over to God and ask him to help us with it, he is faithful. It's one step in drawing you and your significant other closer into The Lord while exploring the possibly of spending your lives together.
And isn't that verse from Corinthians amazingly convicting? By choosing to give up our virginity, we are giving away one of the most sacred, natural, gifts we have. Don't we want to make sure that who we are giving it to will value and appreciate it for the rest of their lives?
It's ok if you think I'm crazy and that it's old fashioned and can't be done in today's day and age, but I'm here to tell you that it can! I feel like I may be one of the only in my group of friends that is still a virgin, but you know what? I'm not ashamed of it like society tells me I should be, I'm proud because its how I choose to bring glory to God's name.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you are a bad person if you've chosen not to wait. It is your decision and you have to do what you feel is right. You are a beautiful creation just the same!
However, If you are struggling with regret about your decision, I just want you to know that I am praying for you and that God is still in love with you even if you don't feel like he could be. Is it possible to take the act back? No. But you can spiritually "revirginize" as a part of the healing process. All it takes is a strong willpower and repentance.
I feel like victims of rape are a special case. You did not willingly choose to give it up, it was taken from you. My heart breaks for the women that this applies to. I pray for your healing regularly as it is something that is close to my heart.
Regardless of where you are in life or what circumstance you are in, god has given us this gift that we should use just as any other gift to glorify him. The use of it is just different if you're single as opposed to married.
Lets stick together though this hard time, girls! It's hard to go it alone but if you know there are other women struggling the same as you are it makes it a little easier.
Lastly, as a you g Christian woman it can be easy to feel condemnation about thoughts and feelings that may be lustful. Don't shame yourself for the feelings God has instilled in you!! They are a natural part of the way God made you to feel for your husband, so just prayerfully hand them over to Him as you wait to be married to your Prince Charming :)