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Friday, November 16, 2012

A Little Introduction

Welcome friends!  I'm genuinely glad you found my new blog. Some of you might be followers of my old high school blog The Meditations of My Heart, others of you might be a friend from my social media life (Facebook or Twitter) or maybe you're a friend from my real life. No matter our relation, I hope that my new blog will bring you encouragement, be thought-provoking, and inspire you to find freedom in who God created you to be.

Over the course of my posts, I plan to use songs as a means of communicating thoughts because music is a very important part of our lives. I will also be covering different controversial topics from society (after all, I do attend the University of Pittsburgh which is an insanely liberal school). While many would consider me to be a Conservative Christian, I find that a lot of my thoughts don't line up directly with the general stereotype of the label. My view on life is not really identifiable with anything other than being a Christ Follower. I am not Calvinist nor am I Armenian or Evangelical or Episcopal. And as for politics, I believe in the truth and freedom that our beautiful country was founded in.

That being said, my heart is not to offend anyone that reads my blog. Those who know me in "real-life" know that I love people no matter what gender, race, or religion you are. If it was possible, I would reach out and give each and every one of you a big hug as soon as you signed on to my blog as a welcome. I'd like to think of my blog as welcoming you into my living room and sharing some good conversation over coffee and chocolate cake (all three of which I LOVE). I genuinely encourage feedback and interaction via the comments tab under the posts so that we can get to know each other and keep our minds open to new ideas and thoughts on life. 

Happy reading and may the Lord inspire you to do amazing things today!