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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

{Spiritual Fitness} Grown Up Temper Tantrums

We've all been there. A situation where you can go from happy to raging in a matter of seconds. Kids do it all the time. They flop down on the ground and start kicking and screaming. Imagine that being you the next time you start a hormone rage. 

I can't articulate what makes me upset any more because the lines are no longer clearly defined. I burst out in tears when my boyfriend kisses me because I'm so stressed out about everything. I feel like regardless of time, day, situation, location, I'm a time bomb about to explode at the drop of a hat. 

We as women tend to have hormones that run rampant in our lives. Maybe yours are under control and they don't fluctuate as much as others... If that's the case, you've been incredibly blessed!! For others of us, it's hard to not let our hormones control us. 

I joke that I can always tell my time of the month is coming when I want to break up with Josh (meanwhile we've been dating for almost 2 years and I know he's who I want to spend my life with). 

I'm not going to say this isn't normal, because for many women it is! But it does create a strain on the relationship that isn't needed and that can be emotionally damaging for him. 

Other times I will lose it randomly on some poor sales clerk at the store because he didn't use all of my coupons. At the time I feel perfectly justified to be snarky with him, but afterward I always leave feeling like a crazed lunatic.

So the question is, what can we do about controlling our emotions and hormones? 

The Bible doesn't say much about hormones other than lustful desires; this can definitely be a struggle but right now I want to focus on what we as women can do during our raging hormones to keep our femininity in tact and avoid letting our inner beast rear its nasty head. 

The first and foremost should be to arm ourselves with scripture and preach it to ourselves when we know that we are being irrational (and if you say "Oh, I'm never irrational," just ask someone close to you about it and I'm sure they'll be able to point something out :)) 

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.

-Romans 13:14

This can apply to sexual desire, food cravings, caving into the need to tell the the clerk exactly what you're thinking when he messes something up, wanting to punch something when it doesn't go your way, and ultimately flopping on your bed in a puddle of tears out of frustration.

It's a desire to give in to the lies Satan wants us to believe. Were fat, the clerk is stupid, you need to be sexually attractive for a man to like you; it's just NOT true and hormones are the easiest way for satan to get to you. 

So here's the challenge: the next time you recognize a hormone fit coming on, stop for a moment and pray for God's help. It may seem silly, but when The Lord is called upon, he is faithful to answer. 

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