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Friday, August 1, 2014

Thoughts on "the most important thing"

Recently, an article went viral on the internet over at the True Love Dates Blog ( about sexual purity and it not defining who we are. As I read through it- with an open mind, because I love to challenge myself to try and see beliefs from other viewpoints- I was struck at how, though some of the information was solid, how much excuse making it seemed to make for believers who have chosen to give their sexual purity away. It is true that in the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior we no longer carry the burden of sin, and that when we accept him our slate has been wiped clean. He let's us start over fresh, knowing right from wrong he challenges us to live a life that would reflect how he would live... He lived a pure life.

I also agree that often in Christian dating purity can become the main focus in whether or not a suitor is considered "eligible" but why should it not be a main focus? God calls us to bring him honor and glory in the way we live our lives (that is the true number one thing) and he gives us sex as a way to do that in a dating relationship AND in a married relationship.

 Now hear me out on this one, it looks very different for both relationships. In a dating relationship we are called to bring honor to The Lord by abstaining from lusts of the flesh and by purposefully doing so, we can bring glory to The Lord in whom our satisfaction should rest. I hate the term "date Jesus first" but it's not far off. We should be so in love with The Lord and seeking to honor him that when the opportunity arises to pursue fleshly desires we are able to (together with our significant others) look to Him for help with abstainence. He WANTS us to ask him to help us in those situations and he WANTS us to OWN our purity because that is how we are called to bring him glory through sex in a dating relationship. 

I think too often Christians use loopholes as an excuse to go on doing what they want and know God will forgive them later. They know the grace of God but they continue on abusing it. If you have grown up in a Christian home, if you have grown up hearing the true gospel, if you know right from wrong according to the Bible, and you choose to continue in the same sin without trying to seek help, you are in a dangerous place. 

However, not all hope is lost if you have fallen into the trap of lies the world has provoked us with. You do not need to have sex to make your partner stay with you, you don't need it for self worth, you don't need it to empower you, you don't need huge sex appeal to attract someone, you don't need it to prove anything to anyone. The Lord graciously does forgive when we see the error in what we are doing, seek his face, and choose to repent. Not all hope is lost if you've already given it away because there is so much redemption and love waiting for you in the arms of God. It's not an easy task, and you have to be fully committed, but I believe that because our Lord is gracious and kind and forgiving that spiritually "revirginizing" is absolutely possible.  It is true you can never get your first time back, but in choosing to walk away from indulging in the lusts of our flesh it brings God so much joy that he will absolutely restore your peace and joy. It can be done, I have seen it happen, and truly it is one of the most beautiful things The Lord can do in a person. (It's so amazing to see The Lord work in people like this) But you have to bury yourself fully in the arms of our savior and find healing in Him. 

So in all, sexual purity might not be the ONLY important thing, but it's definitely a major subpoint under THE most important thing, which is striving to glorify The Lord in our lives. Dare to be different, rise above the pathetic norm our culture has created for the millennial generation. Prove to society that we will not allow satan to sneak into our beds while we sleep because we have the God of angel armies on our side protecting us, we just have to call them to action through prayer. 

The last thing I will leave you with is that this post is in no way, shape, or form intended to shame anyone or be judgemental. We all have sin in our lives that we should actively be seeking to strike out with God's help and our support systems. It is simply a challenge to my fellow believers to check on what you're doing because satan is getting sneakier and sneakier through our media and the internet. He is changing our world's entire belief system to directly go against what God has called us to in the Bible and is making it perfectly okay when it's not. What was once considered good is becoming bad, and what was considered bad is now becoming good. God's word has never changed throughout the generations, our purpose and his call on our lives has never once changed... Society has. It's not "old fashioned" to save sex for marriage, it's what God wants us to do. Don't let society tell you otherwise. 

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